Rated #1 by The Forrester Wave™ Q4 2015
#1 IBM™ MaaS360
#2 : VMware AirWatch
#3 : MobileIron
#4 : Citrix
#5 : Blackberry
Mobility is strategic for every organization today…
Subtitled "How Has Enterprise Mobility Forever Changed the Way Your Enterprise Conducts– and Secures - Business?" … this survey explores the impact of mobility on organizations. More than 200 respondents participated in this survey, and named these as their top three changes as a result of enterprise mobility:
•Greater flexibility - employees can work from wherever they are and have access to information at all hours of the day – 75 percent
•Greater productivity – employees have easier access to the information they need when and where they need it allowing them to be more efficient and responsive. – 64 percent
•Employee satisfaction – employees now select their own devices – and apps - for work – 41 percent
As mobile grows, threats grow…
1. International Telecommunications Union – January 2013: http://www.siliconindia.com/magazine_articles/World_to_have_more_cell_phone_accounts_than_people_by_2014-DASD767476836.html 2. Arxan Technologies “State of Mobile App Security” report – November 2014: https://www.arxan.com/assets/1/7/State_of_Mobile_App_Security_2014_final.pdf 3. Gartner Bring Your Own Device: The Facts and the Future: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2466615 4. Kindsight Security Labs Malware Report – Q4 2013: http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/36686/mobile-malware-infects-millions-lte-spurs-growth/ ; http://resources.alcatel-lucent.com/?cid=172490 5. Arxan Technologies “State of Mobile App Security” report – November 2014: https://www.arxan.com/assets/1/7/State_of_Mobile_App_Security_2014_final.pdf
The number of mobile subscribers continues to grow at astonishing rates. In 2000, there were approximately 720 million subscribers around the world. In 2012, that number reached six billion.
Let’s also consider these statistics:
• In 2014 the number of cell phones (7.3 billion) exceeded the number of people on the planet (7 billion). (1)
• 138 billion apps were downloaded in 2014. (2)
• Half of employers will require BYOD by 2017 (3)
• Mobile malware is growing. Malicious code is infecting more than 11.6 million mobile devices at any given time. (4)
• Mobile devices and the apps we rely on are under attack. 97% of top paid android apps have been hacked. 87% of top paid iOS apps have been hacked . (5)
While the proliferation of mobile devices provides great flexibility and agility for organizations, it also increases the complexity of data protection. As mobile grows, so too does the security threat landscape.